Simple way of deleting a directory with ansible, is putting the state as absent: tasks: - name: Delete directory file: path: /tmp/aDirectory state: absent Next time you run that task it will delete that directory and the files within.

Another VSCode feature or in this case an extension I had missed completely, GitLens. For example: See current line blame information at the end of the current line. Hover on the current line blame for more detailed information See history of the whole file and current line in a sidebar Much more. To learn more check...

I didn’t realize this feature existed in VSCode, but I’m not suprised that it does. Really useful! If you select anything in VSCode and then press CTRL+SHIFT+L, in windows, (on mac: CMD+SHIFT+L) you select all matches and then you can edit all of the matches at once!

I found one of the best application for windows a while ago: Scoop It is a command-line installer for windows. There are couple other applications which are similiar, like Chocolatey, which I’ve tried and installed couple of applications with it but I never got to use it that much. I really don’t know why, I’m sure it...

At work we need to sometimes install a several tomcat instances on multiple machines. This was quite tedious to do manually so in order to speed things up, I wrote a powershell script which automates the installation. So the only thing I would need to do is to download the specific version that is needed and then run...